
Floating Dock


  1. Name: Camileon
  2. Class: Russian Maritime
  3. Flag: Valletta
  4. Maximum Design Capacity = 5000 tons
  5. LOA = 128m
  6. Breadth over pontoon deck = 23.30m
  7. Breadth (Clear) = 21.78m
  8. Two dock side cranes with lifting capacity of 5 tons each



Afloat Repairs/Services

  1. 24 hr Ship Repair Services
  2. Steel Works
  3. Mechanical Works
  4. Pipe Work
  5. Electrical Work
  6. Underwater Cleaning
  7. Re-naming of Vessel
  8. Waste Disposal
  9. Power Generation Services

Engineering & Fabrication

  1. Plating, pipework on steel fabrication
  2. All personell are Loyds class certified
  3. Overhauls
  4. Machining


Tank Cleaning


Cassar Ship Repair provides a range of tank cleaning services related to waste generated from offshore activities (mud tanks, brine tanks, cement silos, barites silos etc.). We also have a specialized team together with the associated specialized equipment for cleaning of Fuel Oil and HFO tanks both at berth and offshore.


Anchor & Chain Retrieval

We are specialized in vessel anchor & chain search & retrieval.

Pic of Seawolf

Underwater Services


Specialized team to carry in water surveys and emergency repairs. The team is accredited by most major Classification Societies.


Services provided include:


  1. Still photography
  2. Video complete with talk back system
  3. Underwater brush cart cleaning
  4. Welding and repairs

Boat Lifting Services



Contact Us

Cassar Ship Repair Ltd.
Slipway No. 6
Marsa Cross Road
Marsa MRS 1549

Ing. Thaddeus Aquilina B.Mech Eng (Hons) EUR. Ing
Head of Technical Dept.
(+356) 79424205
[email protected]

Clayton Casha
Fleet Captain
(+356) 79960040
[email protected]

Chris Cassar
Fleet Superintendent
(+356) 99440018
[email protected]

Joseph Scerri
Ship Repair Manager
(+356) 79470435
[email protected]

Andrea Cassar Mlod (London B.Comm
(+356) 79422930
[email protected]

Vincent Cachia
Technical Consultant
(+356) 79492268
[email protected]

Philip Debono
Project Manager
(+356) 99838515
[email protected]